Sunday, March 18, 2007


Since I'm getting to the home stretch of my time here, I'm starting to really question my decision to leave. I'm not surprised about that because I think it's a fairly natural thing to do. Plus, I know that I hate change, and moving to the east coast is going to be quite a change. Right now I have tons of unanswered questions: Where am I going to live? What kind of job am I going to have? Will anyone actually hire me? Will I be happy? Will I have friends?

I think I'm worried because I feel like I'm just now starting to make really good friends here, as I've said before. I think I'm going to be much more proactive once I move, so I don't think it will take as long as it did here. Before Denver I always had school to help me out. But when I first moved here, I didn't. And the job that I had, initially, consisted of younger coworkers. This meant that we didn't really hang out outside of work. Anyway, it just took me awhile to make friends here. And I'm hoping it doesn't take this long in my new city.

And, the more I look at the mountains, the more I know I'm going to miss them. Why the hell did it take me so long to go snowboarding? What the hell is wrong with me? I never felt like I took advantage of the mountains, because I still just stop and stare at them; but I am now realizing that maybe I did since I didn't actually hike them all the time. I guess the east coast has mountains too. And I can always come back here to go boarding or something.

I guess that is it for now. I'm going to go watch the KU game.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ok...Aunti em asked me where the hell you are going...and I said beats me..