Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Ciao a tutti!

Ok. I have decided, with the help of my father, that my laptop has a cold. I'm taking it in on Thursday to be checked out. Probably much better that I don't even try to use it the next few days, because if I do, I may smash it to pieces. No bueno.

For the time being, I will use the computer provided to me at work. In between checking in clients at this busy downtown location, I will (hopefully) write a decent blog today.

Of course, now that I have time to write, and a computer that isn't going to shut down on me, I can't really think of anything to say. Figures.

Well, I'm finally back in Denver for awhile. It's actually very nice. I feel like I have basically been traveling, on and off, since last May. This is the first time in awhile that I'm actually going to be here for several months in a row. Although, I am definitely going to Coachella this year with my brother, Andrea, Kyle and Erin. Anyone want to join? Not quite sure about the list of bands yet this year, but you should check it out.

Hmmm, what else... Well, I was proposed to on New Year's Eve. ;) His name is Jarred. It's actually quite amazing, we went from not knowing each other at all to engaged! Unfortunately, I missed the wedding because I was on a flight back to Denver. I have a feeling though, that the only reason he wants to marry me is so that he can have, what he thinks, a claim to my dad's cars. Little does he know... Anyway, I'll keep everyone posted.

As I said in a previous post, I am now working at the very busy, downtown, location of the salon. My days are very long. 10 1/2 hours each day! But they go much faster than they did at the Tech Center location. There is really only so much surfing on the internet one can do. It's very entertaining working down here. We are garden level, so we are down a flight of stairs from the street level. I can still watch as people walk by though, so it keeps things interesting. Also, it's only 7 blocks from my place, so I can walk. Much better for my health to have a 15 minute walk, than a 25 minute drive where I'm very angry at all the stupid drivers on the road.

Ok. I believe that is all for now. I shall write more later.

1 comment:

Jonathon David said...

Jarred? Am I missing something?

And are you confirmed for Coachella???