Wednesday, January 3, 2007

I'm hungry

It's one of those nights where absolutely nothing sounds appetizing for me. Except Chipotle. But I refuse to eat it 2 days in a row. That's one of my New Year's resolutions. Actually, I should say I refuse to buy it 2 days in a row, because I usually buy it once, cut it in half, and eat the other half the next day. Now that I think about it, the resolution should probably be "I won't buy Chipotle more than 2 times a month." Whew. Glad I got that figured out.

Mom is coming here tomorrow. We are going to hang out here in Denver for a few days before heading off to Port Charlotte, Florida to visit my grandma. It's been awhile since anyone in my immediate family has visited her, so mom and I decided to do it. I will also, most likely, be out of contact with the internet for this entire week that I'm in Florida.

Man, today at work was crazy busy. They have moved me to the downtown location because I rock. It is much busier than the tech center location and, lucky me, today was filled with many problems:
  1. Still trying to get clients in who had their appointments canceled due to the blizzards.
  2. One technician was sick so I also had to find new appointments, preferably on the same day at the same time, with other technicians.
  3. Clients are stupid.
  4. Computers are stupid.
      1. Multiple schedules of the girls, were screwed up because of the computer (I know because I fixed this problem about a month ago. And I KNOW that I did it. And that I did it right. Trust me. I was extremely anal about it.)
      2. Had to fix these schedules; one by one, day by day, for 6 months. This took the ENTIRE DAY. (I'm still not done.)
      3. While fixing the schedule problem, I found several other smaller problems within the program we use. (I won't go into them, since I assume I've already bored all of you.)
Oh, I have some pictures from christmas, mom's birthday and the snowstorm. If you want to see them, message me and I will send you the link (if I know you). To hold you over, here is a picture of a car I saw on my way to the airport the Saturday after the snowstorm. The photo is not clear because of the extremely dirty windows on the bus, but you get the picture.

1 comment:

Jonathon David said...

Yeah. Just read all of your entries. So fun! When are you coming to LA?