Friday, December 15, 2006

I love coffee

MMmmmmmmm....... coffee.......

Right now I am at a coffee shop in Denver called Common Grounds. I woke up at a decent time today, because I decided I was going to spend my entire day looking for a job in Italy. Yay!!! I can't wait to get there.

So here are the main points of my day: I woke up, I packaged up Andrea's Christmas presents and something for Stacie, I went to the post office, sent said packages and a letter and bought 5 2cent stamps, then went to visit Amanda at Tuscany Coffee (where I used to work), gave her a book she had loaned me, then started walking to this coffee shop. (Here is where the highlight of my day comes into play...) On my way, I completely tripped on NOTHING right in front of some guy who was outside smoking. You know how sometimes, people try to act like they didn't see anything? Well, not him. He completely started cracking up, which in turn made me laugh too. It always happens that way, right when I'm feeling classy or really confident, I do something like trip or fall asleep on toblerone candy bars that then melt in my pocket. (Anyone remember that?) Oh well, I'm glad I could brighten his day.

Ok, that's all for now. I must actually do some work. Guten tag!

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