Wednesday, December 13, 2006

I wish I spoke Asian

The title of this blog is my quote for the day. "I wish I spoke Asian." This was spoken by a girl who works here. Wow.

Ok. Enough being mean. (Not really, I'm sure.)

For those of you who are trying to comment on my blogs and are having problems, you are not alone. Mom, you're not the only one. Apparently, right now the "commenting" option on is really jacked up. Many people are having problems with it. So if you want to send me a comment, just send it to me in an email.

I don't really have anything else to say right now. Except for this: Yesterday when I was talking to mom and asking if she had read my blog she said, "Yes I have, honey. And Jennifer, I hope you aren't planning on cursing a lot. Bad language is not classy." Though, you didn't seem to mind when I was teaching you how to curse in Italian... Does that mean it's classier in Italian than in English? I love speaking Italian, but I really wish I spoke Asian.

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